What's on - The Historic Village

What's on

Check out what’s happening at The Historic Village. You will find a range of exhibitions, workshops, gigs, films and more.

List your event

You can list your event on this website by completing the form on our What's On Tauranga website. Once your event has been submitted, it will be checked and listed on the Historic Village and What's On Tauranga websites.

Opening hours

Grounds open 7 days a week, 7.30am – 10pm

Retail stores open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am – 3pm
with some open on Sundays and Mondays

Office open Monday to Friday, 9am – 3pm

Office is closed public holidays

The Historic Village, 159 17th Ave West, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga 3143  |  Terms of use  |  Site map